The Are You Syrious integration centre and free shop was born out of a desire to create a safe and friendly space for asylum seekers and refugees, where they can come and escape the enforced daily routine of the reception centre. It's a space where they can get information regarding starting their new life in Croatia, attend Croatian and English language lessons provided by our volunteers, or simply drop by for a cup of coffee and socialize. With the free shop, we strived to create a place where people would not only be passive recipients of charity, but are free to choose the things they need in a dignified manner. The donations are generously brought in by Zagreb residents, and the integration centre also gives them the opportunity to get to know their new neighbours. nije povezan s bilo kojom vanjskom platformom. Ako želite podijeliti ovu priču na Facebooku, Twitteru itd., možete kopirati URL i tamo zalijepiti.