As part of the “Commonfare” project, organisations from across Europe have been working to explore how social wellbeing and community might be enhanced through better collaboration and mutual support.
The project has created “SWAPI” (Social Wallet API) – a completely free software toolkit to help generate and deal with “complementary currencies”. It is a fully functioning micro-currency platform which communities might use for trade and collaboration.
Additionally, the board game “Le Grand Jeu” has been created to help community groups, leaders and citizens address issues of value exchange and economy, leading to use cases for the SWAPI toolkit, and the “Commoncoin” network.
The good news? The Commonfare team is coming to Dublin with a 2 day workshop using “Le Grand Jeu” to explore value exchange and community, and to explain the potential of the powerful Freecoin toolkit and commoncoin to local groups and leaders. After two days, the public are invited to join us, to play the game and to discuss the outcomes of the workshop with our participants.
We’re on the lookout for communities and leaders who might like to participate. Spaces are limited, so please respond promptly to secure your spot!
Friday 8th and Saturday 9th March 2019
The Digital Hub, Dublin 8
Interested? Get in touch!
Federico Bonelli (fredd@dyne.org)
John Lynch [Dublin] (hello@getincontext.ie)