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" Beauty you can find also in small things. In human relations. It can be all very delicate, very subtle"

Egbert’s Lent, we met Philip a student of art and teather...

He is talking about what he did in the game he played during the commonfare workshop. The game is "le Grand Jeu" (, a tool to bring out and forward discussions about sustainability, values and community based economies.

Here is the translation to what he says to english:

"I’m still busy with my theatre studies in Amsterdam, but since January I will have to work.

I set up my own farm, my own agriculture.

I have built a farm with cows to produce milk.

Then I realised that it is a pretty bad idea, so I decided to set up solar panels.

And interestingly my neighbours tried to recycle as well on their property, so I went into business with them.

In this game you can test the limit of your perception.

Like I wouldn’t build an airport close to my place, but what is interesting in the game that you can test how does it effect the community. In this game you can also try out to be the bad guy and see what sort of reactions it generates.

… Beauty you can find also in small things. In human relations. It can be all very delicate, very subtle."

Image 2019 03 21 10 39 49
photo by FB je za, sa i od ljudi.

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2 Komentara

Anonymous avatar


Lipanj 07, 2019 at 12:06

Can you share the game?

Card me 02 01 low

Federico Bonelli

Lipanj 19, 2019 at 11:09

The game is already shared: on th ewebsite you will find the link to the github repository were you find rules, plans for lasercutting the game etc.