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Here the English translation WE ❤ SOCIAL SECURITY WHAT IS THE PRIORITY OF THE COUNTRY? After ten years of crisis due to wrong policies implemented at European level and by following governments, our country is the most unequal in Europe and with 18 million people at risk of social exclusion; there are 12 million those who can no longer cure themselves; 5 million are in absolute poverty and 9.3 in relative poverty, of which over one million are kids. Never in our republican history has there been a number of people in poverty and at such high risk social exclusion. A material condition aggravated by cuts to social policies and the absence of a true income support measure as foreseen by Article 34 of the Charter of Nice and already active in many European countries. Social cuts and austerity policies have increased inequalities and poverty and strengthened the mafias, in a context in which governments have not been able to provide adequate responses and investments, causing scoial dumping among poor and legitimized a climate of fear. Hundreds of social and trade union realities, together with many local institutions, urgently ask this Government and Parliament to give political priority to the commitment against inequality, poverty and mafia that are devastating the country and social cohesion, with the guilty complicity of those who shift the focus on false problems or certainly of minor importance. A commitment that can not be tackled with slogans and bombastic simplifications to which we assist daily, without any respect for those who live in a dramatic material or existential condition or discomfort, but by putting in place clear and effective measures, very different from those we read in the newspapers or on social media. On this front we're worried because, despite the commitment to invest 10 billion to support the right to income, the content of the update note to the economic and financial document (DEF) is very distant from the proposals that the M5S had shared in the past with citizenship and social networks. Networks that on the subject of guaranteed minimum income have been expressing, for years, effective proposals that are not even listened to now. There is too much emphasis, the spectacularization and the use of a language that simplifies complex problems creating expectations that will be disappointed. It is not with a marketing and communication operation that we erase poverty as it is affirmed, imprudently, these days. The real battle is that for "social security" that is guaranteed by realizing what have been called "Social Pillar", social pillars, already active in many European countries to counter the crisis and the increase in poverty. For these reasons, on 17 October on the occasion of the World Day for the eradication of poverty, the Network of Equal numbers promotes a national press conference entitled "We❤Sicurezza sociale" (Social ecurity) at the FNSI in Rome from 11:30 to 13:30 to launch their proposals and ask the Government and Parliament for a series of clear and effective measures to defeat, truly, inequality and poverty, so as to guarantee dignity for all and for all.