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a multistakeholder platform approach

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Hemp has a lot of possible uses

Welcome to a presentation about Commonfare.net

Konopti International Oy is a company dedicated to create a multistakeholder platform for developing Cannabis and hemp Commons. We aim to develop and share the multitude of possibilities industrial cannabis cultivation towards sustainable future and wellbeing.

The presentation event is held at Coop Center 18.00-20.00 on 29.11.2018 at Pellervo Coop Center, Simonkatu 6, Helsinki. 

It will be followed by a 2 days workshop. in the following days, with the aims to introduce to commonfare platform and tematics for groups of local commoners, collect stories and practices and install a commonfare hub in Finland.

for more info write to fredd@dyne.org or contact the local organisers

Seats are limited, so we hope you register online through eventbrite:


For remote participation, we set up a livestream link that is published prior to the event on the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/277981899727307/

Commonfare.net è per le persone, con le persone e delle persone.

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2 Commenti

Card remedios varo


novembre 26, 2018 at 18:43

Sounds very interesting!

Card sfondo logo paddy nero


novembre 29, 2018 at 13:44

People in and nearby Helsinki, this is a great netwoking opportunity too, do not miss it!