For the 16th year in a row, the Human Rights Film Festival (HRFF) is being held in Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia aiming to improve the visibility of human rights in Croatian society through film.
The Human Rights Film Festival is a nonprofit project of two prominent organizations of independent media: The Multimedia Institute - an organization that promotes media culture, a socially conscious approach to new technologies as well as new tendencies in critical social theory, and the Association for the Development of Culture "URK" with the mission of promoting alternative culture and youth culture.
From the first launch of the Festival in the club rooms of MaMa and Močvara Clubs, the Human Rights Film Festival has continuously rolled out a program of high quality films promoting openness, multiculturalism, tolerance and freedom of choice.
In addition to the screening of films, the HRFF also has a music program featuring Pussy Riot this year and a lecture program on a variety of relevant human rights issues. This year, the lecture program includes forums on the campaign #BreaktheSilence (Women's Reproductive Rights), prostitution, citizen initiatives and the power of the anonymous citizen, entrepreneurship and human rights, democracy in the age of Facebook, the noramlization of militarization and extreme right trends, as well as an array of other crucially important topics for Croatian and European society.
The entire HRFF program is free for everyone!
Take a look at the program and attend this unique and socially beneficial human rights festival!
For more information: https://humanrightsfestival.org/
For film program: http://humanrightsfestival.org/program/filmovi/
For lecture program: http://humanrightsfestival.org/program/govorni-program/