Commonfare is a project financed by the European Community within the H2020-ICT-2015 Program (nr.: 687922). We are working with people in Italy, Croatia, and the Netherlands to foster alternative and more equal models of wealth distribution in Europe, discussing everyday life problems, encouraging common participatory solutions, and trying to influence public policies.
Please help the project by participating in the survey on precarious employees and vulnerable self-employed people. Your participation is anonymous, takes 10 minutes, and is highly appreciated!
Employees fill in the questionnaire for employees, and self-employed fill in the questionnaire for self-employed.
If you are an employee, click this link to open the questionnaire for employees.
If you are a self-employed person, click this link to open the questionnaire for self-employed.
i tried to do the survey. the voice said it should take 10 minutes. after one question the survey said something like "thanks for that!" and ended, no more questions. it invited me to go to
Hi agonist72, which of the two surveys did you try to take? In any case, first questions are intended to select the sample, i.e. people in financial difficulties and vulnerable situation. So for example if you are self-employed with many employees the survey ends because it is understood that you are not a vulnerable/bogus sel-employed.
hi commonfare. in fact i could be a filmmaker self-employed, and have many people working on my project (employees) and we could all be precarious. i am still vulnerable, and certainly not a bogus self-employed
Hi agonist72, you are right, yet we are seeking to receive responses by so-called "working poor", which in the Eurostat terms are those whose income is less than 60% of the country's median income. We know this does not cover all vulnerable situations, but we made the choice to adhere to Eurostat definition for several reasons, among which to allow for comparison. Thanks for your interest!
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