Macao is an independent centre for art, culture and research in an occupied space. Avoiding the creative industry paradigm, and trying to innovate the old idea of cultural institutions, the main goal is to consider art production as a viable process for rethinking social change, elaborating independent political critique, and as a space for innovative governance and production models. The research concerns the labour conditions in the creative industry and cultural sector, the right to the city and new forms of organization and technological solutions for cultural production. Macao is currently based in a former slaughterhouse in the middle of a huge abandoned area not so far from the centre of the city; it has a cross-sectoral program hosting performing arts, cinema, visual arts, design, photography, literature, new media, hacking and the meetings of citizens committees. It is coordinated by an open assembly of artists and activists. It is self-organized, thanks to a weekly assembly of all members and each specific activity is carried on by a group of activists that refer to the general assembly.
For more details, you can read the storytelling of Macao in the book "Generazioni Precarie. Una conricerca tra percezione del rischio, bisogni emergenti, welfare dal basso”, that is part of “Commonfare Book Series“
Here the complete report in english
Contacts with Macao and web site
Macao, viale Molise 68, 20137 Milano
Macao, viale Molise 68, 20137 Milano