Borders None is running a free basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript course for refugees in Zagreb! Come to the introductory class on Monday, March 25th and see what you can learn in the next few months.
Borders None is a Web Development course based in Zagreb, Croatia in which students learn the basics of programming so that they can be prepared for potential employment opportunities with IT companies. Coders without Borders train refugees to become software developers, and believe in integration through connecting with like-minded individuals and learning new skills.
Programming course for refugees:
This is the starter course where students will learn by doing. It will last for 10 full weeks, meeting every Monday from 6pm to 8pm, and every Thursday from 4pm to 6pm. For those who decide to enroll, it is obligatory to attend every class.
IT is a fast growing profession with higher salaries on average. A deficit of mobile and web developers in whole Europe makes it easier to find a job. Join Coders without Borders in this course and take the first step to your employment!
When and where:
Introductory course is taking place on Monday, March 25th, 2019 at Net.kulturni klub Mama, Preradovičeva 18, Zagreb.
Since the number of students is limited, to apply, send us an email to
For more info, see: