Zadruga za dobru ekonomiju (Cooperative for a Good Economy) facilitates direct purchases of economically-sustainable, nutritious local foods, with the goal of significantly reducing the supply chain from producer to consumer, and supporting small local farmers through the model Hrana za dobro, or "Food for the Social Good". The co-op brings together small organic producers, which are certified by the Cooperative for a Good Economy as environmentally conscious and sustainable. Hrana za Dobro connects farmers with customers, provides technical support and know-how, and organizes advanced procurement which means the farmers have a guaranteed purchase amount and therefore income, helping to stabilize income over time, decrease economic insecurity, and cut the costs associated with selling their products directly to customers at local markets (transportation costs, stand costs, man hours, and food waste).
Importantly, the Co-op stresses social solidarity, environmental sustainability and citizen engagement, not only providing a service for the co-op members and purchasers, but actively seeking to create meaningful social bonds of trust and solidarity.
The Coop is aware of the subversive nature of its dealings, and considers every purchase a political act in favour of a people-focused economy, ecologically-sustainable and nutritious foods, and local and regional economic and social development. Find out more at: