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We've said it before, but we'll just say it again! One of the pillars of Commonfare is the proper management of the common goods. In this way we ensure that the value that is created within a community also benefits the community.

A good example of this is the local energy cooperative Amsterdam Energy, established in 2012. Energy is a basic need. We have to charge our mobile phones, cook, heat the house in the winter, et cetera. Energy is indispensable and cannot be left to the whims of the market. Certainly not in a time of climate change and transition from the oil era to a more human, small-scale and resilient future.
Amsterdam Energie buys sustainably produced energy for its members. That energy is generated in Amsterdam itself. For example, using windmills and solar panels. Sun, wind, water, and climate ... All common goods that we need to take good care of. The members of the cooperative are also the owners and have the right to vote. The profit of the cooperative is not channelled to anonymous shareholders, but rather invested in projects in the field of making the energy supply in Amsterdam more sustainable. The members decide which projects they want to support and that completes the circle.

Have a look at the website for inspiration and... you do not have to live in Amsterdam to become a member! je za, sa i od ljudi.

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