2nd of December starting at 14.00 hours in the Pair lab in the Suikerterrain of Groeningen, the friend, curator and artist Henry Alles will perform a performance titled "We all have something to bury"
the event on fb here: https://www.facebook.com/events/599954897086709/
The location is the PAIR group's "Portable Artist in Residence" setup, a work of Henry since many years, a self sustainable on off the grid house/workshop for setting up landscape project of "community art".
Henry says:
"At this event I will talk a little on the commonfare, the fleemarket and commonfare next week and common in general, I will hand out flyers, I will write on monday my view on what is happening at the PAIR and the terrain.
As well as the others, the last point is very relevant, as you will see reading his piece monday
To see what Henry does check out:
and the performance here: