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Commonfare Call for Stories: Santarcangelo Festival

1,00 cc - 400,00 cc

Aggiunto il 14 giugno 2018
Santarcangelo di Romagna
Dear Commoners, We invite you to write a story and attend Santarcangelo Festival in Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy from July 12th to 15th, 2018, as a Blogger. For full information on the contest see here: https://commonfare.net/en/stories/commonfare-call-for-stories-write-a-story-and-attend-santarcangelo-festival Show us your interest in becoming a Commonfare blogger at the Santarcangelo Festival by sending us some of your commoncoin to this account, called Commonfare. You decide how much you want to donate (if you need any help, just let us know at info@commonfare.net )

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luglio 02, 2018 at 17:19

Commonfare is excited to announce the winning contribution to our first Call for Stories, commoner: Skirtijan Jovnić with his story entitled: "Deuteranopia". You can read his story here: https://commonfare.net/en/stories/deuteranopia and let us know what your idea of a just society in Europe is in the comments section. If you enjoyed Skirtijan's story, check back in to read his blogs on the Santarcangelo Festival he will be attending as a Commonfare blogger. Congratulations Skirtijan from the whole commonfare team! We share your dreams and hope to one day live a in a Europe like the one you described.