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Commonfare Connect Athens (eng)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018, Commonfare pilot partner BIN Italia presented the Commonfare project in Athens (Greece), at the Connect Athens youth center.

CONNECT ATHENS is a center born at the beginning of 2014 thanks to a group of volunteers with the aim of combining ideas, cultures, and values coming from all over the world through arts, sports, and culture. 
CONNECT ATHENS offers guitar lessons, dance theater, foreign language lessons, theater workshops, stomp, groups and programs of psychological and personal development, the Job club (for the professional preparation and development of skills), individual counseling sessions, reading rooms, and computing lab and other facilities. The center also organizes training courses, voluntary work, awareness raising actions, and street events.

BIN Italia presented the Pienews Commonfare project, the research carried out in the three pilot countries (The Netherlands, Croatia and Italy), and, in particular, some results of the research “Generazioni Precarie” (Precarious Generations), with a focus on: poverty as multidimensional issue, emerging needs, experiences of bottom-up welfare, and social cooperation.
Additionally, the digital platform commonfare.net was presented, illustrating its purposes and use.

To learn more about CONNECT ATHENS, you can visit their website and Facebook profile. 

Here are some pics of the presentation:

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