Do you know that if you Google "Amsterdam and Commons" the first thing pops up is a restaurant? We went to check it out. Guess what?
Funny enough the Commons Restaurant has nothing to do with the idea of public goods. Well, you can go there and have an organic-vegan-lunch in a cozy space at the modest price of 15€. I went there and meantime I was eating I had an epiphany. The restaurant is indeed the quintessential example of the re-re-appropriation of the commons. It is part of the Student Hotel franchising. If you wanna know more about the evilness of the Student Hotel franchising click here and good luck with Google translator.
Back then the building was called Trouw Amsterdam, it used to be one of the few cultural hub in the city, just 5 years ago. An interesting case of self-organised place. One of the last event was organised in collaboration with Palais de Tokyo and Stedelijk Museum. It was a free-entrance place.
What happened then? Is it a kind of commodification of the last hints of commOnism in the Netherlands?
If you have other stories about it, you can share it here...
Welcome to Amsterdam!