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Prismatica - Episode 1: Ecomuseum Mare Memoria Viva

The trip of Prismatica starts from Palermo, where we met the protagonists of the Ecomuseum Mare Memoria Viva. This urban ecomuseum stems from a work of research and community-building aiming at enhancing the relationship between Palermo and its sea.

Mare Memoria Viva is also a space that welcomes proposals from the grassroots and promotes cultural initiatives and teaching for all ages. In this scenario, it promotes shared responsibility and  active citizenship, creating a community of people connected to the ecomuseum who will inhabit it.

Prismatica met who run the project, who created it, its addressees and also who did not know about it. Through the first step of our trip we want to listen to the voices of people involved in this initiative.

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1 Commento

Anonymous avatar


febbraio 22, 2019 at 20:15

bel video, questo museo del mare è davvero interessante! tuttavia, ho trovato la registrazione delle voci (suono) non di ottima qualita'. se si vuole competere con i media mainstream c'e' bisogno di prodotti tecnicamente di alta qualita'. grazie e continua a fare questo interessante lavoro!