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Help us shape we need you!

How would you like your contributions on to be shown? We need you, the Commoners, to help us decide how to show your Commonshare on the platform.

We have been working on defining an alternative model for how Commoners contribute to the platform. Our approach seeks to move away from tools such as rating systems and measures based on accumulation of scores.

We wish to propose an approach that responds to the philosophy of and that at the same time supports the Commoners in achieving their desired goals with the platform. Our stance is based on understanding the community, and moves away from individualistic perspectives, supporting true collaboration.

What's 'Commonshare'?
Commonshare is a measure of how much your actions build connections and relations among the Commoners. Through publishing or commenting on stories, having conversations, or performing transactions, you contribute to the overall community, making it stronger and wealthier. You, and others, will see your Commonshare grow based on how much your contribution reinforce social relations. For example, it’s not important how many comments you make but the way your comments create a relation between you, the author of the story you read, and other Commoners.

How you can help?
We have a few ideas of how to visualise your Commonshare, with interactive graphics that you can choose to show on your profile or not, but we need to know if they make sense, and if they are useful. We have made a short survey, where we'll ask you to use these interactive graphics, and get your thoughts on them. The survey can be accessed with the following link: is for, with, and by people.

Do you want to join? You will need only an email address, and we will never use it for other purposes.


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